Thursday, March 18, 2010

"Oh the Places You'll Go!" Animoto poems based on "The Irish Dancer"

For "Read Across America Day" in celebration of Dr. Suess' March birthday the students at New Searles School chose a place they would like to visit and wrote about it. Some of the students in my class used that place as the inspiration for their animoto video poem . Here are some of thier completed poems. See the introduction to the project here.

Here is James' grand video poem.

Here is Samantha's bouncy video poem.

Here is Ashley's celebrity filled video poem.

Here is Katie's festive video poem.

Here is Kaleigh's sunshiny video poem.

Here is Julia's video poem (just don't swim with the allitgators!).

Here is Parker's peaceful video poem.

Here is Jishni's extreme video poem.

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